The 2013-2014 Winter season has been great for viewing eagles in my area of the country.
Due to the extreme cold temperatures in Canada and other northern territories, and what I think is probably a lack of open, unfrozen water where they can hunt, we have seen an unusually large number of eagles in the last few months. I have seen some eagles here and there (usually just one) as I'm out shooting, but I had never seen so many at once. A couple of weeks ago, I counted 17 in the same spot. It was quite amazing [for me] if I may say so. As with a lot of photography subjects, patience is key. They are quite tough to photograph sometimes (I'm referring to above average images) as they can just sit there for hours while they stalk prey. It's ridiculously cold outside, so even with appropriate outerwear, it's uncomfortable after a while. I never did get the shots I was after, but managed to capture a few images as I enjoyed watching them. Enjoy! -Mario
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